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"Consuelo, I wanted to thank you for the path traveled from the Full Trust Workshop

to individual coaching sessions.

They have given me a new approach to my career and to life, and

a projection so much more luminous than I would have arrived at on my own!

  I will continue the next few weeks working on everything that I have started together, and I am counting on you for the next steps."

Pilar p.


Consuelo Summers, Coach Ontológica y Health Coach, cuenta con +24 años trabajando en Capital Humano, guiando a las personas en sus transformaciones hacia mejores versiones de sí mismas. Creadora del Método Summers® para la Reinvención Holística ha guiado a +800 personas de una manera ágil y disruptiva redundando en grandes beneficios para el desarrollo de sus carreras profesionales.
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